'info.' 카테고리의 다른 글

프로그래머가 모르면 손해인 범용적인 툴(tool) 100선  (0) 2016.02.21
지금당장 사용가능한 무료폰트 50종  (0) 2015.12.18
무료 폰트 정보  (0) 2015.12.18
XML 에서 특수문자 처리  (0) 2015.12.18
POCO, PONO, POJO  (0) 2015.12.17



유니티 필수 에셋 중에 하나인 아이트윈

유니티에서 물체의 움직임을 보다 쉽게 설정 할 수 있습니다.

유니티를 켜시고 에셋 스토어로 갑시다 ctrl + 9 를 누르면 Asset Store에 들어가집니다.
iTween 으로 검색하시면 아래와 같이 화면이 나오고 다운로드 버튼을 누르고 유니티 상에 import 시켜줍니다. 

파일을 여시면 sample 소스가 존재합니다. sample 소스를 보시면 iTween 이라는게 뭐구나 하고 싶게 이해 할수있으실겁니다.

간단하게 샘플 소스에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;


public class MoveSample : MonoBehaviour


                  void Start(){




moveSample 입니다.

  • MoveBy(GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
  • MoveBy(GameObject target, Hashtable args)

  • moveBy를 호출하는 방법은 위와 같이 두가지 방법이 있습니다.

    첫번째는 호출 방법은 위치와 시간을 집어넣어주는 함수이고

    두번째는 호출 방법은 해쉬테이블을 집어넣는 방식입니다.


    x = 2;

    easeType = "easeInOutExpo"

    loopType = "pingPong"

    delay = .1;

    해쉬테이블의 name 에 각 값들을 집어넣은 것과 같습니다.

    해쉬테이블을 미리 선언하고 아래와 같이 집어넣을 수 도 있습니다.

    Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
    void Awake(){
    void Start(){

    함수의 종류는 아래와 같습니다.

    MoveBy BACK TO TOP

    Adds the supplied coordinates to a GameObject's position.

    • MoveBy(GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
    • MoveBy(GameObject target, Hashtable args)
    Property NameTypePurpose
    namestringan individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
    amountVector3for a point in space the GameObject will animate to.
    xfloat or doublefor the individual setting of the x axis
    yfloat or doublefor the individual setting of the y axis
    zfloat or doublefor the individual setting of the z axis
    orienttopathbooleanfor whether or not the GameObject will orient to its direction of travel. False by default
    looktargetTransform or Vector3for a target the GameObject will look at
    looktimefloat or doublefor the time in seconds the object will take to look at either the "looktarget" or "orienttopath"
    axisstringrestricts rotation to the supplied axis only
    spaceSpacefor applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space
    timefloat or doublefor the time in seconds the animation will take to complete
    speedfloat or doublecan be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
    delayfloat or doublefor the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning
    easetypeEaseType or stringfor the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
    looptypeLoopType or stringfor the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
    onstartstringfor the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation
    onstarttargetGameObjectfor a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method
    onstartparamsObjectfor arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method
    onupdatestringfor the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation
    onupdatetargetGameObjectfor a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method
    onupdateparamsObjectfor arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method
    oncompletestringfor the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation
    oncompletetargetGameObjectfor a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method
    oncompleteparamsObjectfor arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method
    ignoretimescalebooleansetting this to true will allow the animation to continue independent of the current time which is helpful for animating menus after a game has been paused by setting Time.timeScale=0


    using UnityEngine;

    using System.Collections;


    public class RotateSample : MonoBehaviour


                      void Start(){






    RotateSample 입니다.

    RotateBy BACK TO TOP

    Multiplies supplied values by 360 and rotates a GameObject by calculated amount over time.

    • RotateBy(GameObject target, Vector3 amount, float time)
    • RotateBy(GameObject target, Hashtable args)

    Property NameTypePurpose
    namestringan individual name useful for stopping iTweens by name
    amountVector3for the amount to be multiplied by 360 to rotate the GameObject.
    xfloat or doublefor the individual setting of the x axis
    yfloat or doublefor the individual setting of the y axis
    zfloat or doublefor the individual setting of the z axis
    spaceSpace or stringfor applying the transformation in either the world coordinate or local cordinate system. Defaults to local space.
    timefloat or doublefor the time in seconds the animation will take to complete
    speedfloat or doublecan be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed
    delayfloat or doublefor the time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning
    easetypeEaseType or stringfor the shape of the easing curve applied to the animation
    looptypeLoopType or stringfor the type of loop to apply once the animation has completed
    onstartstringfor the name of a function to launch at the beginning of the animation
    onstarttargetGameObjectfor a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onstart" method
    onstartparamsObjectfor arguments to be sent to the "onstart" method
    onupdatestringfor the name of a function to launch on every step of the animation
    onupdatetargetGameObjectfor a reference to the GameObject that holds the "onupdate" method
    onupdateparamsObjectfor arguments to be sent to the "onupdate" method
    oncompletestringfor the name of a function to launch at the end of the animation
    oncompletetargetGameObjectfor a reference to the GameObject that holds the "oncomplete" method
    oncompleteparamsObjectfor arguments to be sent to the "oncomplete" method
    ignoretimescalebooleansetting this to true will allow the animation to continue independent of the current time which is helpful for animating menus after a game has been paused by setting Time.timeScale=0

    보다 많은 정보는 iTwwen 홈페이지에서 찾아볼수있습니다.

    ITwen 홈페이지 :http://itween.pixelplacement.com/index.php

    관련 동영상 강좌 입니다.



    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbSxwoWjBgQ -> 한글

    지금당장 사용가능한 무료폰트 50종


    'info.' 카테고리의 다른 글

    프로그래머가 모르면 손해인 범용적인 툴(tool) 100선  (0) 2016.02.21
    apk 다운로드 사이트  (0) 2015.12.28
    무료 폰트 정보  (0) 2015.12.18
    XML 에서 특수문자 처리  (0) 2015.12.18
    POCO, PONO, POJO  (0) 2015.12.17

    무료 폰트 정보 및 상세 저작권 정보 - 48종


    [폰트별 다운로드 링크]

    이 기사에서 소개한 모든 글꼴 목록입니다. 이름을 누르면 내려받기 웹페이지가 열립니다.font_usage_license_0000font_usage_license_0001font_usage_license_0002font_usage_license_0003font_usage_license_0004font_usage_license_0005font_usage_license_0006font_usage_license_0007font_usage_license_0008font_usage_license_0009font_usage_license_0010font_usage_license_0011font_usage_license_0012font_usage_license_0013font_usage_license_0014font_usage_license_0015font_usage_license_0016font_usage_license_0017font_usage_license_0018font_usage_license_0019font_usage_license_0020font_usage_license_0021font_usage_license_0022font_usage_license_0023font_usage_license_0024font_usage_license_0025font_usage_license_0026font_usage_license_0027

    'info.' 카테고리의 다른 글

    apk 다운로드 사이트  (0) 2015.12.28
    지금당장 사용가능한 무료폰트 50종  (0) 2015.12.18
    XML 에서 특수문자 처리  (0) 2015.12.18
    POCO, PONO, POJO  (0) 2015.12.17
    www.jukedeck.com - 자동음원생성 사이트  (0) 2015.12.14

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